Tuesday 19 February 2019

9b, 9d Holes

Write about the book/film and your opinions of it.
* Give a short summary of the story
* Describe how Stanley changes throughout the story
* What character did you like/dislike in the book
* How are the women in the story portrayed?
* What is your opinon of the book - good/bad points
* After seeing the movie - compare the movie to the book, which one did you like the most?

Monday 18 February 2019

8A, 8D - Of mice and men

Hi everyone!

Well, now you have seen the movie "Of mice and men" and it's time to write about the book/movie.

This is what your written assignment should contain:


You will be given a couple of lessons to write.

Also add a paragraph about the following topic; Do you think Lennie deserved what happened to him in the end? Why/why not?

Have a great week.

Find out something about the author of the book (John Steinbeck)

When did he live?

Name some of the books he wrote.

Where is he from?

What prizes did he win and for which books?

Which book is about his travels with a dog?

Where did he get the inspiration for writing Of mice and men?

Why has the book been censored in some schools today?

Friday 1 February 2019

9b, 9d- Holes topics

Read about a couple of topics from "Holes" and write your opinions about it. Share with me on google drive.

topics Holes