Monday 28 January 2019

8A, 8D - Essay about gaming

Hi everyone!

Now we've worked with the chapters of the section "Gaming" in your books. It's time for the written assignment. You have to pick 20 words from the different texts that you will include in your essay.

Here is the link with the instructions:

Gaming essay instruction

Have a great week!

Instructions in Swedish;

* Skriv om spelandets historia. Se sid 86 i textboken.
* Hur tror du framtidens spel kommer att se ut och fungera?
* Berätta om bra och dåliga effekter av spelandet.
* Berätta om dina egna spelvanor. Vad var det första spelet du spelade? Vilka spel spelar du nu?
* Vilka effekter har du själv märkt av spelande på dig själv eller folk omkring dig?

Thursday 24 January 2019

7b, 7d - Facts about South Africa

We're  going to find out some more facts about South Africa. Use the links below to download a question sheet and links where you can find more information.

Questions about South Africa

Facts about South Africa

More facts...